Dentistry is a rapidly advancing field of medicine, and we want our patients to benefit from the latest developments. Our Greensboro office is equipped with state-of-the-art dental technology, so that we can provide the best care possible.
Next generation diagnostic imaging eliminates goopy impression trays for dental restorations. CEREC® OmniCam AC is used in conjunction with CEREC milling to design and create cosmetic restorations in one day, right here in our office.
Sleep apnea appliances
Apnea is a type of sleep disordered breathing that causes a person to stop breathing for short periods through the night. It causes loud snoring, and it has many negative effects on the individual’s health. Customized oral appliances are designed to hold the airway open during sleep.
Philips ZOOM!® teeth whitening
Light activated whitening for dramatic improvement in a single visit. It can lighten teeth as much as six to ten shades, and the results are instant.
There are about 40,000 new cases of oral cancer in the United States every year. The survival rate is dependent on the stage; early detection and treatment can save your life. This diagnostic light helps us detect tissue abnormalities that are indicative of cancer.
Intraoral camera
This tiny camera allows your dentist to examine your mouth in detail, and share the images with you on a monitor in the treatment room.
iPad patient education
Our patient educational apps help you understand your oral health and make informed dental care decisions.
This multifunctional cheek and tongue retractor includes fiber optic illumination. It prevents inadvertent swallowing of tissue or blood, and decreases treatment time by up to 50 percent.
Do you want to benefit from the latest advances in dental technology in a homelike atmosphere? If so, call us at (336) 383-1482 and schedule an appointment.