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When you know that your teeth are bright, shiny, and healthy, you have many reasons to smile. Discoloration, on the other hand, can steal your confidence. We love performing the KöR teeth whitening treatment on our Greensboro, NC patients. After stains are removed and the smile is quickly and dramatically transformed, we see a new bounce in their step. Because there is no guarantee that your smile will remain naturally bright forever, teeth whitening treatment is worth consideration.
Yellowing and dulling are problems that most people notice over time. It is difficult to keep teeth white even when you brush and floss every day. The reason for discoloration is simple: tooth enamel is porous. Every time you eat or drink, tiny molecules from foods and beverages are deposited into these pores. The more particles that accumulate, the worse discoloration becomes.
Although there are numerous factors that lead to discoloration, you have an easy solution in the office of Triad Dentistry. We do not expect our patients to completely change their dietary habits in order to have a bright smile, nor is this really a solution. Even natural foods can deposit particles of color onto teeth. Instead, we provide routine care and cleanings and also in-office teeth whitening using the proven KöR Whitening System.
Professional teeth whitening is straightforward and can also be very relaxing for you. While you sit back in our comfortable chair, we carefully apply whitening gel to teeth. The whitening agent enters pores in enamel and breaks apart colored molecules. We remove the gel and assess the level of brightness we have achieved. If a higher level of white is desired, we repeat the process up to two more times. When treatment is completed, the smile is noticeably brighter.
We know that you have many options to remove set-in stains from your smile. Professional whitening provides fast, dramatic results in a very safe process. While home whitening kits may seem easily accessible, they are very limited in what they can do because they are designed for “everyone.” We recognize your individual needs and tailor dental care to you.