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Prioritizing your baby’s oral health is essential for their well-being and development. However, it’s easy for oral care to take a back seat to immediate concerns like feeding and sleeping. From the moment your child is born, their oral health matters.
Triad Dentistry is proud to be your trusted pediatric dental office in Greensboro, North Carolina. Our board-certified pediatric dentists, Dr. Sona Isharani and Dr. Shima Ghattan are here to guide you through every step of your infant’s oral care, from daily hygiene practices to routine dental check-ups. Our pediatric dentistry goes beyond preventing cavities—it’s about building a solid foundation for a lifetime of healthy, confident smiles.
It’s important to take care of your baby’s smile right from birth. Whether you are a new or seasoned parent, the oral care tips below will help your little one maintain optimal oral health.
• Oral hygiene routine: Oral hygiene is vital even though your newborn doesn’t have teeth. Wipe your child’s gums from 0-6 months with a clean, wet cloth. When the first tooth erupts from around six months, clean it with a soft-bristled toothbrush and plain water, in addition to wiping the gums. Don’t use toothpaste until your child learns how to spit. At age two, more teeth will have come in, and now you can use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Please encourage your child not to swallow it to avoid fluorosis. Slowly start teaching your child how to brush and floss their teeth. Most children can clean their teeth independently by the age of six or seven.
• Dental check-ups: Despite how well you care for your child’s oral health, the dentist has to be part of the equation. Dr. Isharani and Dr. Ghattan recommend bringing your infant by age one or within six months after the first tooth appears. Oral check-ups continue every six months and become part of your child’s dental care. These routine visits allow us to monitor your child’s oral development and provide timely interventions when necessary, ensuring their smile stays healthy as they grow.
• Monitor their diet: Continued baby bottle-feeding can cause cavities, especially when left in the mouth for too long. Encourage your child to use a cup at 12 months. At this age, most babies have the coordination and skills to hold a cup and drink from it. Promote healthy habits and reduce the frequency of sweetened drinks like juices. As your child grows, closely monitor their eating habits, limiting the consumption of candies, sodas, chocolates, and other sugary foods.
• Watch out for thumb-sucking and other poor habits: Thumb-sucking is a natural way for children to seek comfort and security. It often continues until age four, and most kids break the habit independently. However, when this oral habit continues past ages 4-6, it can lead to teeth misalignment, speech issues, and other problems. Help your child stop prolonged thumb sucking, and talk to your dentist if you need help. Furthermore, watch out for tongue thrusting and mouth breathing—they can affect your child’s oral development.
Triad Dentistry provides high-quality dental care to all children at every stage of life. Call (336) 383-1482 to schedule an appointment with our pediatric team. Whether it’s your child’s first dental visit or a routine check-up, you can trust that they’ll be in caring and experienced hands.